Exactly. And I feel bad that I laughed in the guys ear, but I've been hearing this for 49 yrs, it gets a little old after awhile. Kind of like the Boy who cried wolf.
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
Discussion with family member who is an Elder in our congregation
by Newly Enlightened inso about a week ago, i showed my cousin & her husband [an elder in our congregation] the picture on pg 29 of our 4/15/2013 study wt and asked, "if jesus is head of the congregation then where is he?".
after several minutes of searching, dead silence.. i then asked if they had heard the part on the 2012 summer district conv the part about "our spiritual mother, where the c.o said that "the bible by itself does not shine thru as life-giving truths just by itself.
" they were shocked and said that i must have misheard it because that would be apostasy.
Canada : Supreme court : freedom of speech does not allow hate speech
by yalbmert99 infeb 27, 2013 canada : supreme court : freedom of speech does not allow hate speech.
Newly Enlightened
Someone should show them that 'Hate apostates' watchtower article
I'm turning myself in. Lurking elders, are you listening?
by Eve Deceived ini think it's fitting for my very first post to be a thread on jw.net turning myself in to any lurking elders out there on a witch-hunt to cleanse the congregation so that god's choosen ones can "remain in god's love.
" so i'm sorry to all you awesome, truthful apostates on this site, but this thread is really intended for any lurking nazis -- i mean, the taliban -- ugh, i mean elders of the world's most "loving" cult religion.. i am an apostate.
here, i'll save you the trouble:.
Newly Enlightened
Welcome Eve! Nice
Office Depot-CCJW Office Depot Program with Coupon!
by Atlantis inccjw office depot program with coupon.
(nevada will you check this?
).download from send space..you will see a box with a link with an arrow pointing down.
Newly Enlightened
Thank you Atlantis, you the man!
But when I saw the Office depot card for JW's I had to scratch my head and say WTF? Is Office Depot that desperate?
The CO asked for money tonight at the meeting.
by life is to short ini was shocked i do not know why as i have read that the co's were doing this but to hear it with my own ears was unbelievable.
i do not go to the meetings but my husband still does and this week is the co's visit.
i decided that i would listen in to his talk; i swear i have lost some brain cells by doing it but anywho.. he started out by talking about the old story that has been in the wt many times about a little boy who was seven and raised a chicken and gave the money to the society.
Newly Enlightened
Outlaw, you're a riot! If I remember right didn't Russell make the statement that " If there ever came a time when the IBSA didn't have the $$$ to continue then they would just close their doors and know that the Lord's work was finished?" It's big hint, hint guys!
The time is near for my families crucification
by Gojira_101 ingood morning jwn-land.. since my parents and my husband and i have learned ttatt we have been keeping quiet, mostly.
we have held off on revealing our true names, my dad has held off joining jwn and telling his story because we have been waiting for one special event.
my dad talking to his mother about ttatt.
Newly Enlightened
I don't know. I kept telling him she wasn't going to listen anyway. But for some weird reason he felt obligated to try to reach her with the real truth.
But as things turned out, he didn't get to talk to her about that anyway, he just got angry when she kept going on about how that ungrateful patient treated her, that he felt like he had to defend our daughter.
Resigned being an elder
by subytrek ini am new here and this is my first post although i have lurked here for a couple years.
i started having doubts about the org back then and my curiosity overcame my fear of so-called apostate websites so here i am.
i just resigned being an elder 2 weeks ago.
Newly Enlightened
Welcome Subytrek. Always great to have another one out of the Borg. Peace to you & your family to have a normal life where YOU make the decisions. It may be difficult in the near future for you, but just remember it's our Shepherd Jesus that we hear calling and follow, not imperfect men that want to be our mediators and saviors
What is your strangest "supernatural" JW story?
by donny ini had just became a witness and a guy i worked with, who was also a jw, told me a story that actually made me laugh and i think it upset him a bit.
the storys were almost always in the third person.
it went as follows.. this brothers wife and him were sitting at the kingdom hall on the end seats of the row next to the back of the room.
Newly Enlightened
I've been hearing all these 'spooky' stories my entire life. After reading all these, something dawned on me. Riddle me this Batman... What happens when a JW is 'harassed' by demons? Don't they usually start praying and get more spiritual and closer to the organization? Not once have I heard that the JW leaves the org. because of being harassed by demons So, my question then, Why would demons harrass JW's if it just pushed them closer to the org? So either the org is Satan's org and they want the JW's under more control? Or the demons are idiots and forcing JW's back into the fold?????
Discussion with family member who is an Elder in our congregation
by Newly Enlightened inso about a week ago, i showed my cousin & her husband [an elder in our congregation] the picture on pg 29 of our 4/15/2013 study wt and asked, "if jesus is head of the congregation then where is he?".
after several minutes of searching, dead silence.. i then asked if they had heard the part on the 2012 summer district conv the part about "our spiritual mother, where the c.o said that "the bible by itself does not shine thru as life-giving truths just by itself.
" they were shocked and said that i must have misheard it because that would be apostasy.
Newly Enlightened
We all do at one time or another. So if anyone else wants to rant & rave on this thread, be my guest.
Discussion with family member who is an Elder in our congregation
by Newly Enlightened inso about a week ago, i showed my cousin & her husband [an elder in our congregation] the picture on pg 29 of our 4/15/2013 study wt and asked, "if jesus is head of the congregation then where is he?".
after several minutes of searching, dead silence.. i then asked if they had heard the part on the 2012 summer district conv the part about "our spiritual mother, where the c.o said that "the bible by itself does not shine thru as life-giving truths just by itself.
" they were shocked and said that i must have misheard it because that would be apostasy.
Newly Enlightened
So I'm updating this topic with ROUND 2. They picked the wrong day to mess with me. My daughter Gojira tripped over her cat and slammed her face into the corner of a doorway and her Hubby took her to the ER. She's ok, she inherited my side of the family's hard head, but she does have a slight concussion and has to take it easy. So since I live 70 miles away, it's been a long stressful day and I get home and just starting to unwind with a glass of wine when, yep you guessed it, Cousin Elder calls....
Here's the gist of the conversation:
XXXX is on a conference line with another elder. They're worried and concerned about us. They haven't cared for the past 6 yrs, why now? The only time Cousin Elder calls would be to get our time. I told them they would have to call back next week and talk to Hubby because he's gone to a 'trade show' right now and because I'm done. I'm done taking beatings & scoldings from elders. Then he goes "well we don't want to see you leave Jehovah." I said 'I'm not. I am loyal to God & Jesus no matter what. It's imperfect men I'm done with." He goes, but we're so close to the end. I told him I've been hearing that since 1975. I said "Because of that same belief, I didn't get an education, didn't get my teeth fixed, so now I"M SCREWED and there's nothing anybody can say that will change that, because I'm going to die in this system! " Nothing. So then I started telling them some of the more horrific problems with elders we've had thru the years. How Bill West took me in the back room to talk, then ended up backing me against the wall and getting 'touchy-feely'. How they wouldn't allow my daughter to go to pioneer school because she was 120 hours behind on her time. [That story is on another thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/244665/1/One-experience-in-our-old-Kingdom-Hall-that-still-HAUNTS-me ] The time that a convicted child molester was coming to meetings and several sisters went to the elders complaining about the creep. I had to start yelling and cause a really bad scene because this creep was following the little sisters to the bathroom and trying to sneak a peek and the elders hauled me in the back room that very moment and chastised me for making a scene. I told them that if you brothers had been doing your job of protecting the cong. I wouldn't have had to do that.. They couldn't say anything, couldn't defend it. I asked the one, I said "How come we condemn the ENTIRE religion when it's the Catholic church having problems with pedophile priests, but then when it's brought out in this org. oh it's an isolated case, or it's just s few imperfect men. Something is wrong with that." Couldn't answer. I think I need a bottle of wine and go to bed. Sorry to rant & rave like a lunatic but I've had it with this org.